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Bezymyannaya ("No Name" Hill)

During the 1998 field season the Institute of Classical Archaeology continued excavation of a complex, multi-phase site known as Bezymyannaya, which was opened for the first time during a four-week trial season in 1997. The site is a hill-top fortress overlooking the Valley of Balaklavah, where the famous Crimean War battle, "The Charge of the Light Brigade," took place. Bezymyannaya was occupied for several centuries, including the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine periods, as well as the Crimean War and World War II. The complex history of the site remains to be fully understood and will require several more seasons of excavation and study.
Site plan at end of 1998 season.
Overhead site view, taken from a cherry picker at the end of 1998 season.
Coins found during the 1998 season
Bezymyannaya from the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite.
Bezymyannaya from the air, July 1997.
Excavation Team, Chersonesos 1998.


Last Modified: Wed Apr 14, 1999