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The University of Texas Center for Space Research (CSR), University of Texas at Austin were tasked by Dynamac Corporation to provide multi-temporal classification of vegetation at NASA's John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida. The work conducted at KSC has been done in three phases.  Phase I was a joint project with the University of Texas at San Antonio which was an initial classification of the ground cover.  Phase II was focused on developing more advanced classification algorithms.  Phase III is currently underway and involves the analysis of LIDAR for mapping topography.  

One of the main environmental management objectives was to determine the usefulness of remotely sensed data in the study of vegetation at KSC; that is, whether remotely sensed data provides enough meaningful information to make an accurate assessment of the state of the vegetation, in terms of both vegetation typing and change detection, as opposed to performing manual ground truthing which can be rigorous but time intensive. In addition, the study is to determine which sensor(s) is best suited for discriminating between types of vegetation on KSC.


Last Modified: Mon June 14 1999