Geethu Jacob, an aerospace engineering Ph.D. student at CSR who usually applies her skills to gravity estimation for tracking climate change, has also been using machine learning to help identify and sort ultrasound images into categories, improving the process of identifying fetal anomalies.
Some examples of how her research in geospatial data can make a difference to the average person Geethu replied, “Satellite-derived estimates of mass change like those from GRACE/GRACE-FO missions have significant climate applications. For instance, they enable us to track changes to ice sheets and glaciers, and to study changes to groundwater storage due to droughts and severe heatwaves. Given that extreme weather events are becoming more common and frequent around the world, improving the mass change estimates are important, both to enhance our understanding of the underlying processes, as well as to facilitate better policy decisions.”
Geethu was recently featured in the RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service CONNECT Project Spotlight and completed her second semester of working with CONNECT’s first for-profit partner organization, BB Imaging, a national company whose mission is to improve health outcomes by making high-quality ultrasound services accessible, especially to low-income communities and those living in rural areas.