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Some Tidbits to understand me

Mack Brown is our Savior!! Go HORNS!!!!!
I drive a truck (Ford F-150)
I was arrested by UTPD and removed from the UT vs. Notre Dame Football game
I don't believe that Elvis is still alive
I'm an only child
I hate pumping gas
I like to hog the remote and channel surf
I play right field on our softball team Burnt Toast
I don't like pickles
I've seen Grease and Smokey and the Bandit over 100 times each. -- What can I say, I had cinemax and HBO as a child
Stupid people annoy me
I don't sing in the shower
I like the Beatles
I don't like pro basketball
Line dancing is NOT cool
I play piano, guitar, drums, and bass
Dr Pepper is my non-alcoholic beverage of choice
I like to BBQ
I believe that we are not alone in this universe
I don't like crowded places
I'm in love with Mike Modano
I watch Sex in the City, The Sopranos, and Survivor religiously
I own 8 pairs of boots
Go Stars!!!
Drew Carey is Dilbert
I go to all UT Football and Basketball homegames
I'm too lazy to send out x-mas cards
I like old country
I don't like bow-heads
I've seen snow 4 times in my lifetime
The stairmaster is evil
I've learned to tolerate aggies and accept them as people (EXCEPT During Football season)
Beer is my alcoholic beverage of choice

Shiner Bock used to be my beer of choice, but now I've also started brewing my own beer. It's remarkebly easy and I have lots of beer around the house now.

If you want an introduction on How to Brew Beer, read this.