QPI Quantum Sensing Networking Event - Feb. 7, 2024

The Center for Space Research hosted the Quantum Networking Event on February 7, 2024 as part of the kickoff activities of the Quantum Pathways Institute (QPI), a NASA-sponsored Space Technology Research Institute.

The event served as an informal opportunity for academia, national labs, and industry to get together and share views on research, education/workforce development, and commercial opportunities in this important domain. Various institutions and companies such as NASA (HQ, STMD, SMD, and GSFC); JPL; NIST; Southwest Research Institute; Sandia National Labs; Collins Aerospace; Infleqtion; Kyocera; BAE Systems; ORCA Computing; UT Austin (TIE, CSR, ARL:UT, Aerospace, ECE, and Physics); Texas A&M; CU Boulder; UC Santa Barbara; Caltech; and Univ. Arizona were in attendance.

The QPI has the goal of developing quantum gravity gradiometers for deployment into space for next generation climate science needs. The research thrust of the QPI is three-fold: shaken lattice optical interferometry for inertial sensing; systems engineering for quantum systems; and photonics for quantum systems. The QPI is led by UT Center for Space Research, and is a collaboration with UT Austin (CSR, Oden, and MRC), CU Boulder (JILA, ECE, and CCAR), Caltech (GALCIT), UC Santa Barbara (ECE), and NIST.

Please visit CSR’s Flickr album for more photos from the event at: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBePbt